[크레이지카쿰]경기장 누적승리 쉽게하는 방법/패스 승점 빨리얻기 팁/공략/[Crazy Kakum] How to make it easier to accumulate wins in the stadium/Tips to get pass points quickly/
2021.07.25 by 샤이리
[크레이지카쿰]초반강한진용/살쾡이칼잡이/부락바람총사수/돼지훈련사/번개샤먼/변환제사/조합/진영/추천조합/용사/캐릭터/배치[Crazy Kakum] Early strong Jin-yong / wildcat swordsman / village wind gunner / p..
2021.07.24 by 샤이리
[크레이지카쿰]번개샤먼/공략/팁/추천/서포터/번개정령/전설/용사/진용/조합[krazy Kaoom] Lightning Shaman/Attack/Tip/Recommendation/Supporter/Lightning Spirit/Legend/
2021.07.22 by 샤이리
[크레이지카쿰]살쾡이칼잡이 활용법/배치/공략/팁/번개샤먼/질풍예언자/부락교관/겨울샤먼/[Krazy Kakoom] How to use Lynx Swordsman/Attack/Tips/Lightning Shaman/Wildwind Prophet/Village Instructor/Winter Shaman/
2021.07.12 by 샤이리
[크레이지카쿰]카쿰쟁패전을 하는 이유/공략/팁/명예훈장/보상/전설/[Krazy Kakoom] Reason for losing the Kakum War/Attack/Tips/Medal of Honor/Reward/
2021.07.10 by 샤이리
[크레이지카쿰]협력모드 꼭 해야하는 이유/1회 입장권을 추가해야하는 이유/공략 및 팁/전설/[Krazy Kakoom] Why you must use cooperative mode / Why you need to add a one-time ticket / Strategies and tips /
2021.07.09 by 샤이리
[크레이지카쿰]쿠폰 번호/크레이지 카쿰 쿠폰/보너스/KRAZY KAOOM/[Krazy Kaoom] Coupon Number/Crazy Kakum Coupon/Bonus
2021.07.08 by 샤이리